the mighty mangalitza

the mighty mangalitza

Monday, April 20, 2009

first mangalitza eaten in edinburgh

title goes to campbell watt , at 8.05 on 18th april who scoffed the sausage , followed by ewan watt ( ingognito) as he was worried about animal rights campaigners.
mmmmmm tasted so good


  1. This is THE ultimate wedding gift - absolutely brilliant. Only regret is not making a wee blanket out of the poor little bugger.
    SUPERB SAUSAGES! Probably the best we've ever had - chunky Italian style with fennel seeds and a little paprika. Only sausages to actually get bigger as you grill them.
    Really looking forward to eating his right shoulder with Al'n'Sal at the weekend -after 20 hours slow roasting. Gary at Simon Howie is a real craftsman butcher. THANKS WATTIES! XX

  2. Mmmmm...pork...

    spider pig, spider pig...

  3. 1. You killed fluffy!
    2. Fatty bacon. Aaaaaaahghgghhggh (/me drools)

    Seriously though, these swine are known for having a high fat to meat ratio. Great if you're a starving Hungarian, bad for everyone else. ;)
